My goal with the ART 4 … OUR NATURE project is to increase general interest in the climate, environmental and nature conservation issues that are important to all of us, to foster projects in these areas and to also express my appreciation to the people who are serving as role models through their personal engagement.


EVERYONE can help advance climate, environmental and nature conversation projects faster through personal engagement.

Small and large conservation projects extremely worth of support exist at many locations around the world as they help to preserve or even restore valuable ecosystems. But commitment is not only important in these areas, as many social projects are also very worthy of support.

I make a large number of my art objects available free of charge for the promotion and realisation of selected projects and actions in social areas and in nature conservation.

The successful realisation of my projects and actions to date has already resulted in the provision of monetary and in-kind contributions worth more than 150,000 euros.


Through my extensive Internet research on the subjects of climate, environmental and nature conservation, I’ve been impressed over the past years not only by the number of fantastic projects, but time and again bythe tremendous engagement of the people who are involved around the world.

Committed people can certainly be found everywhere, even in communities and cities whose names, such as the Finish town of RANUA for instance, are unfamiliar to many people around the world. With the picture titles of some objects from my MAXIMINIMALISMUS series, I want to express my appreciation to these people and say THANK YOU!

THANK YOU for your commitment, wherever you live and are engaged in these efforts.


I feel it is more important than ever that more people take an interest in and become  better informed about climate, environmental and nature conservation issues. I am firmly convinced that well-informed people positively change their environmental awareness and behavior much faster than those who are poorly informed.

In order to streamline the time-consuming Internet search for interesting information and projects regarding these issues, numerous links to English-speaking and multilanguage websites from organizations, institutes and portals that offer valuable impulses and information on various climate, environmental and nature conservation topics were integrated into the “Info-Links” section.

If this enormous volume of information were used more intensively around the world, the current problems in these important areas could undoubtedly be solved faster with new ideas and reasonable changes. For this reason, it makes a lot of sense to disseminate this highly-valuable information to a wide range of people as easily and as fast as possible.


Companies and organizations now have an opportunity to make a small contribution by providing employees, customers, visitors and guests a flyer that raises the awareness of the ART 4 … OUR NATURE project.

The link to this project website can also be shared with friends and acquaintances or disseminated via blogs, groups and other websites.

In the print and online media, the publication of short press releases is of course also desirable, as has already been done in the innovations report, for example:

I would be extremely pleased if the ART 4 … OUR NATURE project also helped to ensure that all of us learn more about these issues and as a result take a significantly more responsible approach in dealing with our planet.

                    … together we are stronger

Bruno Wilbert

… together we are stronger